I also made this the same night as the Halloween projuect. Credit goes again to NataLee Allen. It was just so nice to slow down and work on these projects. Takes me back to my tolepainting years ago.
I made these last night for Homemaking, oops Enrichment or no I mean Relief Society Meeting. It was fun to get back to some painted crafts. Sorry its not a great picture and they are not in their spot yet. Thanks to NataLee Allen for the project.
These are mini lemon pies. I tried it two different ways. I baked the crust empty and overbrowned it. The crust was quite puffy too. And I baked it with the filling in it like you would for lemon meringue pie. I liked this look better but it did form a "skin" on top which then made it hard to get the raspberries to stand up straight. Any one else try something similar and have any tips? I used the recipe for lemon meringue pie filling off the side of the Kingston cornstarch box. It was delicious.