Thursday, February 24, 2011

Flowers for Studio 55

Flowers for Studio 55

Studio 55 Sweets

Here are the last things I made for the Studio 55 Sweets.

White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn

Caramel and Chocolate Pretzels

Valentine's Oreo Bark

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have started working a little part-time. And since my husband is a part owner, I have been doing a few florals to brighten up the space. I am definitely a beginner and wish I had some education on the subject but it's been fun.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Other Thing

January 2011
December 2009
So since March, I have also been working on myself. It's a struggle everyday and I have had some great success and some backsliding but overall I am happy that I have been able to keep off over 80 pounds. Hoping to lose some more this year. Now, if my body looked like I had lost as much as my face does, I'd be done. Oh well, maybe it will catch up.

Brownie Hearts

Yes, we made 39 pans of frosted brownies.

More Caramel Chocolate Pretzels and Peppermint Oreo Bark